Thursday, November 1, 2007

'Talking' together about this World

So much has happened. Our first wonderful supper together around the fire, and our conversation/salon about 'sustainability'. The field of our knowing is wider for all this! I crave these deeper conversations together.

And then this Monday Evening we began another conversation.....Damaris created an AUNT from Cara's talk the week before. This is a kind of development of the 'system'. Our world talks together. We listen to one another and answer through the process of creating AUNTS. We build upon what we experience. We use everything that we experience in the Monday Evenings as inspiration. We re-use. We recycle.

We don't throw anything away. And also we let go of what needs to be let go. Is this a contradiction? Suzuki Roshi in 'Zen Mind, Beginner's MInd' talks about pulling mind weeds and then burying them next to the best of plants. Letting the garbage transform into black gold. We let go of what blocks the flow....and we use these blocks as images, events, AUNTS, musings, rants......

How do we start shaping AUNTS in the foreground with an AUNT in the background? I want to have a long AUNT, slow and in another time with many events beginning and ending around it, in front of it, behind it.

We have some recurring props (the stones in a basket, the 'musing ' chair) and costumes (the bonnet and the dress). Where to they reside? Are they always present in the space?

And what about our basket of AUNTs already offered?

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