Monday, August 16, 2010

CDP/NYC reflections from 7/11

Some reflections from last week's session:
What is unselfconsciousness in relationship to text? Can we work with the intention of that?
How do constraints support?
Does pedestrian movement support deeper discovery in text work?
Also, we note some have a preference for proscenium, others for village view, as far as feeling supported in open space.

Let's meet a little before 6p at guard desk again.
Teana will not be with us for the next three sessions, but Ben will!

Our schedule:
traditional format with open space
and two aunts: one based on solos from me and one an evolution of the "commenting aunt" from Jeremy (Taavo?) last week.

Dharma Art Letter the next week for reals!
Also, us in the core group should probably set an new date for the next evolution meeting...

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